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The complete guide to applying your press on nails

From properly preparing your natural nails to nailing the application using liquid glue, this guide will walk you through each step for a flawless and seamless application.

It may seem tricky to begin with, but it'll become easier with practice once you get the hang of it!

With every order, you get a complimentary preparation and application kit. This kit includes all the essential items you need to prepare your natural nails before applying your press on nails.

Here's what's included each kit and what you'll need:

  • Mini nail file

  • Cuticle pusher stick

  • Mini nail buffer

  • Brush wand

  • Micro brush

  • Alcohol wipes

  • Adhesive nail tabs

  • Liquid nail glue

Additional items

  • Nail clippers

  • Scissors (to cut off the tip of the liquid glue)

  • Nail dehydrator (optional)

  • Cuticle nippers (optional)

Tip: Remember to avoid water for at least 2 hours after applying to let the glue set. Also, steer clear of anything that might add pressure to your nails. I recommend applying your press on nails just before bedtime.

Step 1. Prepare your nails

Begin with clean, dry nails. Wash your hands to remove any oils, creams, lotions or products that could affect how well the press on nails stick. Make sure that your natural nails are free from nail enhancements or nail polish, even clear polish.

Step 2. File your nails

Use the mini nail file from your kit to shape your natural nails. This helps avoid your natural nails peeking under the press on nails and messing up the overall look. Keep your natural nails in a similar shape and a bit shorter than the press on nails.

Step 3. (Optional!) Gently push back your cuticles

Note, this step is completely optional.

Use the cuticle pusher to gently push back your cuticles on your natural nails. You can soak your hands in warm water to make it easier. This helps your natural nails and press on nails last longer. If you want, you can trim away any dead skin or cuticles.

Step 4. Shape and smooth any rough surfaces

Use the nail file to shape and smooth the tips of your nails, making them even and getting rid of any rough edges.

Step 5. Buff away the smooth surface of your nails

Grab the mini nail buffer and lightly buff away the shine off your natural nails. This will create texture on your nail which will help the liquid glue adhere to. Buff gently and not too much, as over buffing can flatten the shape of the curve of your natural nail and make it harder for the press on nail to stick.

Tip: You can cut the mini nail buffer or use the nail file to roughen the inside of each press on nail. This will help the glue to stick better to both the press on nail and your natural nail.

Step 6. Brush off any dead skin and debris

Use the brush wand to dust away the dead skin, nail filings and any remaining debris from your nails.

Step 7. Cleanse your nails

Clean your nails with the alcohol wipes to remove excess oils or residues. Optionally, if your nails are naturally oily, you can use a dehydrator at this point.

Step 8. Apply the press on nail with the liquid glue

Cut the tip off the liquid nail glue. Then, squeeze a small amount of the liquid nail glue onto your natural nail and spread it evenly, but making sure to avoid the cuticle and the sides of your nail.

Tip: You can also add a tiny bit of liquid glue to the inside and near the base of the press on nail, again, avoiding the cuticle area and sides of the nail itself.

Be careful not to go overboard with the glue. Too much may cause flooding and you might end up with glue drying on your cuticle area, the sides of your nail or even get glue on the press on nail which can ruin the shine and the overall look.

Step 9. Position the nail at a 45-degree angle.

Hold the press on nail at a 45-degree angle, and apply starting from the base where your cuticle is. Slowly lower the nail gradually to cover your entire natural nail all the way to the tip.

This will help push out and minimise the amount of air bubbles and air pockets that may get trapped if you were to apply it straight on. The less bubbles and air pockets, the better the adhesion between your nail and press on nail is.

Step 10. Press down for 10-20 seconds

Gently apply pressure on the press on nail and press down for 10-20 seconds. This pressure will allow the liquid glue to securely bond with both the press on nail and your natural nail.

If you do have excess glue leaking, grab an alcohol wipe or q-tip dipped in acetone or rubbing alcohol and clean away the excess before it dries.

That's it! Now, give it at least 2 hours without water, lotions, or creams. Also, go easy on activities that could pressure your nails until the glue sets properly.

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